27 Oct
Learning & Reflections

Part 2: Takeaways from Testing Prototypes… Remotely

This is part two of our series on A360 Ethiopia's experience designing and testing Smart Start's adaptation for in-school girls. Read part one to learn about the insights that informed the...
27 Oct
Learning & Reflections

Part 1: Prototyping in a Pandemic

This is part one of our series on A360 Ethiopia's experience designing and testing Smart Start's adaptation for in-school girls. Read part two for the team's takeaways from testing their prototype...
13 Oct

A Smart Start for Mozambican Couples

This piece is a part of A360's replication series on the UK Aid-funded Vale-a-Pena project. With and for young people, Vale-a-Pena is proving the power in applying A360’s youth-powered approach to...
25 Sep
Learning & Reflections

Youth Tell All: Young and Living in a Pandemic

By Christine Massawe, A360 Young Designer/Youth Officer, PSI Tanzania    Access to contraception is one of many tools that equips young people like me with the power to make the decisions that...
24 Aug

What Should We Do? Pandemic Pivots, Continued.

This piece is a part of A360's replication series on the UK Aid-funded Vale-a-Pena project. With and for young people, Vale-a-Pena is proving the power in applying A360’s youth-powered approach to...
12 Aug
Learning & Reflections

This IYD2020, #BeThere for Youth Contraceptive Needs

Access to contraception is one of many tools that equips young people with the power to make the decisions that define their lives – even now, during COVID-19.  But with stretched resources...
12 Aug
Learning & Reflections

Her Menses Matter

By Jackline Rwegasira, Adolescents 360 Youth Officer, PSI Tanzania “You’re a grown up now, so you should stay away from boys,” said my sister when I arrived home from school. It had happened...
1 Jul
Learning & Reflections

Digital Tools for Better Health Outcomes

By Isaiah Nyabuto, DHIS2 Consultant, PSI/Kenya and Judy Mwangi, A360 Evidence Advisor, PSI We confront operational constraints when we lack efficient data monitoring tools. As a result, consumers...
25 Jun
Learning & Reflections

GAC Awards PSI and MSI $CAD 19.7M to Bring Smart Start to 500K+ Ethiopian Girls

Our commitment has guided our work since day one: serving consumers – at scale – with the tools to take charge of their lives. And with new funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC), we – PSI in...
23 Jun
Mozambique - Learning & Reflections

A Demographic Match-Up

In northern Mozambique, PSI’s Vale a Pena team faced a tall task: making contraception relevant to rural married girls aged 10-19 who, for a myriad of reasons, simply didn’t see its value. For...
11 Jun
Learning & Reflections

#FPinCOVIDresponse, as explained by A360 Young Designers

We're pivoting in response to COVID-19, with young designers driving ship. A360 young designers' insights continue to support us in responding to girls' concerns about their health, their needs...
8 Jun
Learning & Reflections

Webinar: Sex, Stigma and Young People

We know the facts: 20+ million young people globally lack access to contraception despite still needing protection from an unplanned pregnancy. COVID-19, and the resulting stretched resources and...
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