A360 Ethiopia / RISE Technical Assistance Framework (Updated April 2024)

A360’s approach in this second investment phase relies on a transition from a direct implementation role to provision of technical assistance (TA) to the government to scale the ASRH interventions A360 designed under its first investment phase. In early 2023, A360 solidified this approach into a concrete TA framework. This framework draws inspiration from the […]

Key Achievements from A360’s First Investment Phase (2016-2020)

From 2016-2020, A360 designed and delivered four interventions across Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania that tapped into adolescent girls’ aspirations, supporting them to access and use contraception as a tool to pursue their goals. This publication reflects on the history and learning from this first investment phase for A360.

Her Future with Self-Care

In Nigeria, A360 Young Designer Seun Taylor is helping to disrupt the status quo for adolescent contraceptive access. Here’s how.