Dec 19, 2017 Voices From the Field - Tanzania

Breaking the Gossip Cycle: Adolescents 360 Helps Teens Find Safe Place To Talk Sex  

Habiba hates gossip -- it’s called umbeya in Swahili. She’s 21 and she doesn’t have many girlfriends except her younger...
Dec 19, 2017 Tanzania - Voices From the Field

From Coding to Contraception: Athumani Helps A360 Team Get Stronger Impact

Athumani used to spend his days drinking Red Bull and coding for hours at a time. This computer science major is now an Innovation Officer...
Dec 19, 2017 Tanzania - Voices From the Field

There Are No Bad Ideas: Just Untested Ones

“Listen. Draw it. Make it possible. Learn from it quickly.” Catherine has been part of PSI Tanzania’s Adolescents 360 program from...
Dec 19, 2017 Tanzania - Voices From the Field

This Got Nixed: Find Out Why 

“The beach bonanza. We had to drop that one.” Joyce Thomas is sharing Adolescents 360 projects that didn’t make the cut. As...
Dec 19, 2017 Voices From the Field - Tanzania

Empathy In Action: A360 Asks Parents to Remember What It Was Like to Be a Teen

“Flash back. Close your eyes. Remember what you were like when you were 15 years old. What did you dress like? Which people surrounded...
Dec 19, 2017 Tanzania - Voices From the Field

Tanzanian Teens Want Straight Talk About Contraception

“My boyfriend?” Afsa giggles… “His name is Ramo.” Afsa, 16, has been with Ramo for three years. “He works at the...
Dec 19, 2017 Tanzania - Voices From the Field

Helping Girls Find Friendly Faces

Amina Abdallah Misima is very familiar with the Sixth Commandment. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” She knows it because more...
Dec 19, 2017 Tanzania - Voices From the Field

Ready When the Time Comes

Doreen is busy texting on her red Samsung as the 30 girls go around the room introducing themselves to the group gathered in the Safina...
Dec 19, 2017 Tanzania - Voices From the Field

Saying It’s a Sin Won’t Get You Very Far

Alice “has a problem” with her daughter. Dressed in a blue bright blue and polka-dotted dress with her long hair in tight braids,...