Feb 24, 2020 Voices From the Field - Ethiopia

School First, Baby Later

Eshe and Kofi just got married. Now, the pressure is on. Their families expect them to have a baby right away. The couple has other...
May 13, 2019 Voices From the Field - Ethiopia

Changing Ethiopia, One Couple at a Time

By Callie Elmore, MaverickNext Fellow For teenage Kamali**, what seemed like a simple decision meant big change. The 18-year-old has...
May 8, 2019 Voices From the Field - Ethiopia

They Carry This Weight Together 

By Paige Bellissimo, MaverickNext Fellow  Lugging jerry cans heavy with water is all in a day’s work for Kia, but that’s not the...
Jan 17, 2019 Voices From the Field - Ethiopia

Piloting Health System Integration in Northern Ethiopia

By: Bryan Molk, AYSRH Regional Peace Corps Volunteer, PSI/Ethiopia  In Northern...
Nov 5, 2018 Voices From the Field - Ethiopia

Designing a Reality Powered by Youth

 By Emma Beck, Associate Communications Manager, Adolescents 360 Ayana has a dream for his...