Implementing adaptive youth-centered adolescent sexual reproductive health programming: learning from the Adolescents 360 project in Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Nigeria (2016-2020)
This technical brief captures what we learned and how we pivoted following our external 2018 mid-term evaluation.
What inspires girls to say #IChoose?
In Nigeria, A360 Young Designer Seun Taylor is helping to disrupt the status quo for adolescent contraceptive access. Here’s how.
To get gender transformative, go multi-generational
In Nigeria, A360 Young Designer Seun Taylor is helping to disrupt the status quo for adolescent contraceptive access. Here’s how.
A360 Case Study Series
With powerful global evidence demonstrating the risks to maternal and child health posed by too early and too frequent childbearing, and adolescent girls throughout Ethiopia, Tanzania and Nigeria left at risk of unintended pregnancy, A360 saw an opportunity to reframe the contraceptive conversation – based on an understanding of girls’ dreams and life goals. This […]
Introducing Adolescents 360: Designing and Implementing Adaptive, Youth-Centered Programming in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Nigeria
A collection of Adolescents 360’s technical briefs presenting case studies of A360’s approach, impact and applicable learnings across A360 countries.
A360’s 2018 Midterm Evaluation Report
A 2018 Midterm Evaluation (MTE) Report, led A360’s external evaluation team (LSHTM and Itad).
Design Research Guide: Informed Consent for Adults
A short script used by our Ethiopia team to secure the full and informed consent of parents of adolescents, in-laws, adult male partners, community influencers, and providers.
Parental Consent: A Hindrance or Catalyst to Adolescent’s Access to Contraception in South Western Nigeria
Do parental consent forms actually support girl-centered, girl-powered AYSRH programming? Or do they serve as a barrier to adolescents’ access to SRH services?