12 Dec
Learning & Reflections

A360’s 5 Takeaways from ICFP

By: Amy Uccello, Sr. AYSRH Technical Advisor, PSI This International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), Adolescents 360 (A360) sparked a drumbeat. With 20+ A360-focused posters, panels,...
11 Dec
Learning & Reflections

The Youth-Powered Issue of PSI’s Impact Magazine

While the global health community focuses on the demographic dividend, PSI's Impact magazine decided it was time to stop speaking about young people and instead hear directly from them. This issue...
12 Nov
Learning & Reflections

Q&A: The Commitment to Ethics in User-Centered Design

By Rena Greifinger, Senior Project Lead, MaverickNext, Esther Nantambi, Radio Presenter and Communications Assistant, Youth Equality Center, and Amy Uccello, Senior AYSRH Technical Advisor,...
7 Nov
Learning & Reflections

Engage with A360 Online at ICFP!

This International Conference on Family Planning, we invite you to extend the drumbeat in Kigali by engaging with A360 online. We’ll be tweeting away on @Adolescents360 using the hashtag...
7 Nov
Learning & Reflections

The 4 Questions A360 will Ask this ICFP

By Amy Uccello, Sr. AYSRH Technical Advisor, PSI  Adolescents 360 (A360) always dared to be bold. We launched at the 2016 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) with an ambitious...
6 Nov
Learning & Reflections

The Young Designers Driving Youth-Powered Healthcare, Forward.

This International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), we are once more shining the spotlight on the young people at the helm in driving Adolescents 360 (A360) forward. Since launching in 2016, and...
5 Nov
Learning & Reflections

Where to catch A360 at ICFP

This International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), A360 will be leaning into the questions as we spotlight the successes and explore the gaps in our journey to crack the code for AYSRH...
5 Nov
Learning & Reflections

A Smart Start for Ethiopia’s Health System

In Ethiopia rural primary care runs through the country’s Health Extension Program (HEP). But with an overstretched HEP and overworked Health Extension...
5 Nov
Learning & Reflections

A Practical Guide for Youth Powered Replication

1 in 5 girls aged 15-19 across Northern Nigeria wants but does not have access to modern contraception. Through Matasa Matan Arewa (MMA)—the first replication...
5 Nov
Learning & Reflections

In Tanzania, LARCs are for girls with a plan

Traditional adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) programs frame contraceptive use as a step toward a girl’s ability to finish...
5 Nov
Learning & Reflections

The Design Ethics of Youth-Centered Innovation

By Kelly O’Keefe, Research Ethics Program Manager, PSI, Jennifer Wheeler, Deputy Director for Research, PSI, and Lee-Ann Gallarano, Program Manager for Evidence,...
5 Nov
Learning & Reflections

In A360’s Kitchen, We’re Cooking Up One Heck of a Stew

A transdisciplinary approach to design and implementation yields a new recipe for reaching young women and girls with sexual and reproductive health services. By Claire Cole,...
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