13 May
Learning & Reflections

4 Things to Know About Adaptive Implementation

This blog series is a part of the A360 Open Source, a treasure chest of learnings and tools that you can apply as we work, together, to drive youth-powered sexual and reproductive health...
9 May

It’s Safe. It’s Just Us!

This piece is a part of A360's replication series on the UK Aid-funded Vale-a-Pena project. With and for young people, Vale-a-Pena is proving the power in applying A360’s youth-powered approach to...
8 May
Learning & Reflections

4 Takeaways from A360’s Prototyping Phase

This blog series is a part of the A360 Open Source, a treasure chest of learnings and tools that you can apply as we work, together, to drive youth-powered sexual and reproductive health...
30 Apr
Learning & Reflections - Failures

We Used the Wrong Messenger to Reach Girls

In Tanzania, we wanted to reach more girls at rapid speed and scale, which meant further decentralizing mobilization responsibilities and rapidly onboarding new local partners to ‘own’ this...
30 Apr
Learning & Reflections

Impact Through Implementation Science 

Despite what we might like to think, evidence-based interventions don’t always guarantee impact. That’s in part because a key make-or-break ingredient in this schema is all around us, but...
25 Apr
Learning & Reflections - Presentations and Publications

Dreaming With Girls – How Aspirations Shape Contraceptive Use

For too long, young people haven’t been a part of the health solutions that serve them. That’s beginning to change. We are increasingly working with adolescents and youth to program,...
3 Apr

Reaching Mothers: We Thought it was in the Bag

This piece is a part of A360's replication series on the UK Aid-funded Vale-a-Pena project. With and for young people, Vale-a-Pena is proving the power in applying A360’s youth-powered approach to...
7 Mar
Learning & Reflections

Do the #DareToDream Challenge

Young people’s perspectives are the backbone of PSI’s youth-powered work. At PSI, we’re making space at the table for the next gen to tell us what they want out of the solutions that...
19 Feb

5 Ways to Address Market Failures in the Mozambican Context

This piece is a part of A360's replication series on the UK Aid-funded Vale-a-Pena project. With and for young people, Vale-a-Pena is proving the power in applying A360’s youth-powered approach to...
19 Feb

Powering Change, with Youth at the Helm

In Mozambique, one in two girls will marry and two in five girls will have given birth by age 18.  For the nation to achieve a demographic transition, it remains an undisputed priority to...
5 Feb
Learning & Reflections

Delivering on Girl-Powered Programming

Adolescents 360 (A360) proves that when we put girls and their needs at the center of program design, development, measurement and evaluation, we can tip the scales for girl-powered modern...
30 Jan
Learning & Reflections

AFP: Nigerian women embrace family planning ahead of population boom

This article first appeared in Agence France-Presse on Jan. 30, 2019. Modupe Adegbite's grandfather had 22 children, while her father had nine. At the age of just 19, she has decided she wants no...
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