Smart Start Implementation Asset: Family Circle Discussion Aide (Afari / Amharic)

Family Circle

Family Circle is an adaptation of Smart Start, designed for the unique needs and experiences of married adolescent girls in pastoralist regions in Ethiopia. This discussion aide forms the core implementation asset for Family Circle, used by Health Extension Workers (HEWs) to counsel married adolescent girls about their contraceptive options.

Smart Start Implementation Asset: Family Circle Discussion Aide (English / Somali)

Family Circle

Family Circle is an adaptation of Smart Start, designed for the unique needs and experiences of married adolescent girls in pastoralist regions in Ethiopia. This discussion aide forms the core implementation asset for Family Circle, used by Health Extension Workers (HEWs) to counsel married adolescent girls about their contraceptive options.

Kuwa Mjanja Implementation Asset: Parents Session Guide

WHP KM Parents Sessions 1 pdf

In Tanzania, as Kuwa Mjanja prepares to facilitate girl-friendly service delivery events, A360 works to mobilize parents together for sessions to build knowledge of contraception, address common myths and misconceptions, and build empathy and support among girls’ key influencers for their contraceptive use and decision-making.

Kuwa Mjanja Implementation Asset: Out-of-Clinic Pop-up Guide

KM PopUp Guide Rev 1 pdf

During community-based out-of-clinic events, Kuwa Mjanja outreach teams work with government youth development officers and with local health officials to implement Kuwa Mjanja’s dynamic package of services through mobile outreach, in a tent or a community facility, apart from the health center.

Kuwa Mjanja Implementation Assets: In-Clinic Event Guide

General InClinicPopUP Guide English 1 pdf

During in-clinic events, Kuwa Mjanja outreach teams convene on the grounds of designated public health facilities and work in partnership with providers and local government to engage in interactive dialogue sessions, offer girls Kuwa Mjanja’s aspirational program messaging, and youth-friendly service delivery. In-clinic events support girls to build confidence and bodily autonomy, making linkages to […]

MMA Implementation Asset: Life Family Health (LFH) Class Facilitators Guide (Hausa)

MMA Mentor Guide

Within A360’s intervention in northern Nigeria, MMA, adolescent girls can attend up to four LFH mentorship group sessions. During these sessions, girls build social connection, are supported to identify their goals, and build critical skills and capabilities that they can use to make progress towards their goals. MMA mentors use this guide to facilitate LFH […]

Smart Start Implementation Assets: Goal Card

PSI ET 031 825x510 1

Smart Start is an innovative ASRH approach, designed under the initial A360 investment, which uses financial counseling as a hook to elicit discussions with married adolescent girls and their husbands around delaying and spacing births. After receiving financial and contraceptive counseling, adolescent girls can choose to complete and take home this goal card which they […]

MMA Implementation Asset: Life Family Health (LFH) Class Facilitators Guide (English)

MMA Mentor Guide

Within A360’s intervention in northern Nigeria, MMA, adolescent girls can attend up to four LFH mentorship group sessions. During these sessions, girls build social connection, are supported to identify their goals, and build critical skills and capabilities that they can use to make progress towards their goals. MMA mentors use this guide to facilitate LFH […]