May 12, 2019

Inquiry Featured Resources

NOT SURE WHERE TO BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY? Here’s a great place to start. We've pulled together some of our favorite ready-to-use tools and...
Apr 2, 2019

Field Guide to Human-Centered Design

What is it? From this Field Guide’s creator, “Being a human-centered designer is about believing that as long as you stay...
Apr 2, 2019

Human-Centered Design Methods

What is it? From the guide’s creator, “Human-centered design is a practical, repeatable approach to arriving at...
May 12, 2019

Youth Engagement Webinar

What is it? A webinar, co-hosted by PSI and University of California Berkeley’s Center on the Developing Adolescent, that guides...
May 12, 2019

Youth Engagement Plan

What is it? For youth engagement to be meaningful, it requires intentionality, resources, and training. A strategy sets the direction...
May 9, 2019

Formative Research: Male Partners

What is it? A guide to conducting design research with male partners of adolescent girls, including one-on-one conversations. As with all...
May 3, 2019

Research Guide: Field Debrief

What is it? A series of questions for your team to ask after completing a day of field research. As with all guides in this series, this...
May 28, 2019

Tanzania Segmentation Study

What is it? A summary of new sexual and reproductive health segmentation focused specifically on psycho-social development and behavior...
May 13, 2019

Prototyping Featured Resources

NOT SURE WHERE TO BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY INTO PROTOTYPING? Start here. We’ve pulled together some of our favorite ready-to-use tools and...
May 28, 2019

Sample Prototyping Plan

What is it? A brief, illustrated description of our prototyping plan for design in Ethiopia. We used this process in all three...