Data-driven program adaptation and continuous improvement: A case study of the Adolescents 360 (A360) project in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania

Data Driven Implementation A360 Article Preprint FINAL v2 1 pdf

Interventions benefit from ongoing continuous quality improvement during implementation to refine and strengthen them in response to changing contexts and emerging opportunities. This article reflects on the experience from the Adolescents 360 (A360) project in implementing user-centered, adaptive programming across Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Nigeria from 2018 to 2020. During this implementation period, A360 progressed through […]

Supporting Contraceptive Continuation Among Adolescent Girls: A Case Study from the A360 Project

A360 Technical Brief Supporting Contraceptive Continuation Among Adolescent Girls 1 pdf

Continued contraceptive use among adolescent girls and young women helps to prevent unintended pregnancies and also reduces unmet need among this age group. Within A360’s first investment phase (2016-2020), the project focused on the design and implementation of interventions aimed at supporting contraceptive uptake among adolescent girls aged 15-19. However, a key lesson from this […]

Gender Equality Learning from Practice Series: The Gender Equality Continuum

A360 Learning Series Paper 1 Gender Equality Continuum 1 pdf

A360’s gender equality learning from practice series was launched as a way of sharing best practices and lessons learned from A360’s experience in integrating gender equality throughout its programming for adolescent girls. This learning series intends to improve gender equality outcomes by equipping practitioners with relevant tools, knowledge, and resources, anchored in what A360 has […]

Unleashing the potential of young changemakers

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Being young does not limit the ability to innovate, construct, and showcase the capacity to drive change and create solutions. For far too long, the youths have, in many instances, been branded with negative stereotypes and thought to be irresponsible, unproductive, and lacking experience. But that is far from reality. Creating an enabling environment for […]

Refreshing the A360 gender strategy

A360’s socio-ecological framework

Back in 2021, Population Services International’s Adolescents 360 (A360) program decided to develop a gender strategy to provide a framework for its commitment to and actions on gender equality. With support from Kore Global.

A360’s Revised MAYE Strategy: Youth as Active Partners in Health Decision-Making


Over the years, there has been growing recognition of young people as key stakeholders in health promotion and disease prevention efforts across the globe as evidenced by international frameworks such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) that recognize the importance of youth […]

Can adolescent and youth health approaches be impactful and sustainable? It’s a balancing act

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Background  Investments in adolescents and youth (AY) as they form life-long health habits can have multiplicative effects. For many AY, norms curtail information-sharing, and leave decisions about health practices, including contraception, with family and household influencers. Shifting norms and power structures requires supportive partners and family, yet many initiatives struggle to sustain community approaches through […]