Design Tool: Sacrificial Concepts from Kenya Replication 2021
This resource presents the sacrificial concepts used by A360 during its replication design process in Kenya in early 2021. Sacrificial concepts are early, raw concepts that are made visual or physical and used as a tool to encourage reactions, responses, and discussion among users and design teams. They are designed to be quickly discarded if […]
Design Insights: 2021 Formative Research Synthesis Kenya
This insights deck is a summary of learnings which surfaced through the research and insight gathering phase of A360’s replication in Kenya, taking place in March 2021. The learnings in this deck guided the project towards opportunities for design and the development of prototypes which would eventually become A360’s intervention in Kenya, Binti Shupavu.
A360’s Learning and Growth since the 2018 Mid-Term Evaluation
This technical brief captures what we learned and how we pivoted following our external 2018 mid-term evaluation.
Learnings from A360’s 2019 Process Evaluation
Our process evaluation documents A360’s experience implementing its aspirational programming across the project’s four distinct geographies. These resources present the methodology used to develop, and top-line findings outlined in the process evaluation and the Participatory Action Research.