Design Tool: Sample Formative Research Protocol
An example of the protocols from A360’s research for design work — in this case, representative of our work in Ethiopia.
Youth Engagement Webinar
A webinar that guides participants through various opportunities for youth engagement—from outreach to power sharing.
Sample Youth Engagement Plan for Design
For youth engagement to be meaningful, it requires intentionality, resources, and training
Design Tool: Formative Research with Male Partners
A guide to conducting design research with male partners of adolescent girls, including one-on-one conversations.
Design Tool: Quick start guide to prototyping for ASRH
This is a new tool developed to give you a “taste test” for prototyping, using samples from A360 experiences
Irrelevant, Dangerous, and at Odds with My Identity and Dreams
A technical presentation summarizing our research for design findings across Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania.
Design Tool: Formative Research with Key Influencers
A guide to conducting design research, including group conversations, with key influencers of adolescent girls.
Design Tool: Formative Research with Service Providers
A guide to conducting design research, including in-depth interviews, with service providers.