Adapting High Impact Practices in Family Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences From Kenya, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe

This technical brief captures what we learned and how we pivoted following our external 2018 mid-term evaluation.
Starting the conversation: Supporting young married couples’ shared decision-making in Ethiopia

This poster presentation, shared at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in 2021 describes the results of design work conducted by A360 to strengthen engagement of male partners within its intervention in Ethiopia, Smart Start.
Pregnancy intentions and contraceptive use among married adolescents in northern Nigeria

This poster presentation, shared at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in 2021 presents the results of a cross-sectional survey conducted by A360 to explore the influence of future pregnancy intention on contraceptive adoption among adolescent girls visiting sites offering girl-centered, contraception services in northern Nigeria at A360 Amplify sites offering the Matasa Matan […]
The influence of context and norms on adolescent girls’ SRH experiences and choices in northern Nigeria

This poster presentation, shared at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in 2021 presents results from a qualitative and ethnographic study of A360’s programming in northern Nigeria aimed at assessing the relevance and effectiveness of MMA’s mentorship groups and understanding how married adolescent girls in Kaduna state were experiencing MMA in light of the […]
Mothers: The silent partners in contraceptive uptake among adolescent girls in Nigeria

In this presentation, shared at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in 2021, we describe the potential role of mothers in raising awareness and motivating girls to take up and sustain use of contraceptives, using a case study of A360’s programming in Nigeria.
More than side effects: How social norms and stigma affect discontinuation

In this poster presentation, shared at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in 2021, we share findings from a qualitative study fielded among married young women in Ethiopia and Nigeria to identify factors contributing to contraceptive discontinuation.
Pathway from innovation to scale: Early lessons from RISE

In this poster presentation, shared at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in 2021, we share lessons from the Roadmap for Integrating Smart Start in Ethiopia (RISE) project, a five-year program to scale Smart Start within the Ethiopian health system. We evaluated RISE’s scale-up process in 2022 to assess progress to-date and key lessons […]
Husband support can break negative norms surrounding contraceptive use for married adolescents in rural Ethiopia

In this presentation, shared at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in 2021, we share experience from designing and testing an intervention to engage male partners of married adolescents in Ethiopia to build an improved enabling environment for girls’ contraceptive use.