Moving beyond talk: A practical guide to integrating economic empowerment and sexual reproductive health into programs for adolescent girls
By Meghan Cutherell (A360), Dharini Bhuvanendra (Kore Global) and Katherine Nichol (Kore Global) The resonance of A360’s interventions have always been aided by our ability to offer more than just contraceptive service provision to girls. Including a life and/or vocational skills component in our SRH-focused programs allowed us to respond to what girls said they […]
Applying Human-Centered Design to Replicate an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention: A Case Study of Binti Shupavu in Kenya
By Nancy Njoki, Meghan Cutherell, Abednego Musau, David Mireri, Alex Nana-Sinkam and Mary Phillips If something works in one place, it should work in another…right? In public health, it’s not usually that simple. Different people, different health systems, and different challenges mean evidence-based practices do not always translate easily. In a new article from Global Health Science and Practice, we share […]
Applying Human-Centered Design to Replicate an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention: A Case Study of Binti Shupavu in Kenya
If something works in one place, it should work in another…right? In public health, it’s not usually that simple. Different people, different health systems, and different challenges mean evidence-based practices do not always translate easily. In a new article from Global Health Science and Practice, we share A360’s experience using human centered design as a framework to guide replication efforts for girl-centered, SRH programming in Kenya.
Transitioning from Implementer to TA Provider: The Tensions and Benefits of a Necessary Approach to Scale-up through Public Sector Institutions
It is imperative that the development community move beyond boutique, unscalable program designs towards sustainable scale-up of promising interventions, particularly through the public sector. However, pursuing sustainable scale through the public sector often puts organizations at cross-roads. The transition from direct project implementer to technical assistance (TA) provider, capacitating the government and system to own and be accountable for implementation, is a necessary approach to achieving sustainable scale.