Refreshing the A360 gender strategy

Back in 2021, Population Services International’s Adolescents 360 (A360) program decided to develop a gender strategy to provide a framework for its commitment to and actions on gender equality. With support from Kore Global.
A360’s Revised MAYE Strategy: Youth as Active Partners in Health Decision-Making

Over the years, there has been growing recognition of young people as key stakeholders in health promotion and disease prevention efforts across the globe as evidenced by international frameworks such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) that recognize the importance of youth […]
Can adolescent and youth health approaches be impactful and sustainable? It’s a balancing act

Background Investments in adolescents and youth (AY) as they form life-long health habits can have multiplicative effects. For many AY, norms curtail information-sharing, and leave decisions about health practices, including contraception, with family and household influencers. Shifting norms and power structures requires supportive partners and family, yet many initiatives struggle to sustain community approaches through […]
We Neglected the Boys

By Tonka Noel, A360 Nigeria Today, I am a 30-year-old Black man living in Nigeria. In all this time, I can only remember being in the sickbay during my undergraduate school days just once. This was when I was admitted in my third year because I had contracted cholera from contaminated water. Before this, I […]
Strengthening climate resilience – where does gender fit in?

Reposted blog from Kore Global, A360’s global gender partner. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change-related shocks and stressors, including droughts, floods, and extreme temperature changes. The nexus between gender equality and climate resilience is an increasingly urgent consideration across all projects and initiatives. Kore Global and our partners at Population Services International […]
A360-RISE Global Annual Programme Review Meeting

In the bustling heart of Nigeria, amidst the vibrant energy of Abuja, a landmark event unfolded – the Annual Programme Review meeting for A360 Amplify, a pivotal event that brought together key stakeholders from across all A360 implementing countries – Kenya, Ethiopia and the United States- held on the 16th-18th April 2024. Hosted by A360 Nigeria, this momentous gathering marked the first in Nigeria and served as a platform for reflection, collaboration, and strategic planning.
A360 Quarterly Bulletin: Global and Country Updates on AYSRHR

The past couple of months have been bustling with activities within the A360 project. From a vibrant community moment to an Annual Program Review meeting, visits from the Gates Foundation and Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), and an upcoming webinar series on the introduction of a new framework for quality of care. Our quarterly […]

BIZUNESH TAYE -16 years Bizunesh’s dream is to buy a car. Nothing too extravagant; maybe something blue in colour, with a small stereo in it for music. She’s 16 years old now, a mother to a one-year- old baby. When she met someone and dropped out of school in grade seven, they moved in together […]