Supporting Contraceptive Continuation Among Adolescent Girls: A Case Study from the A360 Project

30 min read (PDF)

Continued contraceptive use among adolescent girls and young women helps to prevent unintended pregnancies and also reduces unmet need among this age group. Within A360’s first investment phase (2016-2020), the project focused on the design and implementation of interventions aimed at supporting contraceptive uptake among adolescent girls aged 15-19. However, a key lesson from this first project phase was that a narrow focus on contraceptive uptake without additional consideration for how to support girls to continue contraceptive use in alignment with their preferences was hindering the project from achieving an impact. In A360’s second investment phase (2020-2025), contraceptive continuation is a key adaptation targeted within the global project strategy. The project aimed to shape a clear, effective strategy to support continuation, informed by the evidence base and refined through implementation and testing. This brief provides a description of the process and outputs of A360’s strategy development, implementation, and refinement.