Accelerated institutionalization of an adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) intervention in Tanzania: Findings from a mixed-methods evaluation

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by Meghan Cutherell, Juliana Bwire, Edwin Mtei, Abednego Musau, Catherine Kahabuka, Isabellah Luhanga, Augustino Julius, and Gerald Kihwele

From 2018 to 2020, Adolescents 360 (A360), aiming to increase demand for and voluntary uptake of modern contraception among adolescent
girls 15–19 years, designed and scaled an intervention in Tanzania (Kuwa Mjanja) to 13 regions through project-funded expansion. In 2020, the project began to develop a strategy for its follow-on phase, focusing on program sustainability. In this process, funder priorities led to a decision to exit A360’s programming in Tanzania over a 15-month exit period. A360 elected to pursue a process of expedited institutionalization of Kuwa Mjanja into government systems during this period. This article, published in Frontiers in Global Women’s Health in March 2023, describes the outcomes and lessons learned from this process of accelerated institutionalization and transition to government.