Aligning Contraception with Family and Life Goals of Married Adolescent Girls in Northern Nigeria: The Case of Matasa Matan Arewa in Northern Nigeria

How can adolescent contraceptive programs balance delivering life skills and contraceptive services in a setting where contraception is stigmatized, and husbands hold most of the decision-making power? This technical brief explores.
Connecting Contraception to Girls’ Lives and Aspirations in Southern Nigeria: The Case of 9ja Girls in Southern Nigeria

A case study of the A360 experience in southern Nigeria offering considerations for similar ASRH implementation in future settings.
Sample Prototyping Plan for Design
A brief, illustrated description of our prototyping plan for design in Ethiopia
Pursuing Adaptive, Youth-Powered Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming: The Case of Kuwa Mjanja in Tanzania
A case study of the A360 experience in Tanzania offering considerations for similar AYSRH implementation in future settings.
Design Insights: 2016 Formative Research Synthesis in Tanzania
See what we learned from prototyping in Tanzania with (1) married girls and their influencers and (2) unmarried girls and their influencers
Design Insights: 2016 Formative Research Synthesis in Nigeria
See what we learned from our Inquiry Phase in Nigeria
Design Insights: 2016 Formative Research Synthesis in Ethiopia
See what we learned from our Inquiry Phase in Ethiopia
Design Tool: Sample Formative Research Protocol
An example of the protocols from A360’s research for design work — in this case, representative of our work in Ethiopia.