
Cross-Country Transdisciplinary Adaptation Guidelines

“We are now seeing these interventions play out in different geographies and different cultures. We see this thing working. It's real and really rewarding.” —Edwin Mtei, A360 Program Manager, TanzaniaWhat is it?

A resource to help teams with their decision-making about whether and how to make adaptations. It provides a clear articulation of the elements and components of A360 interventions that we as the A360 Consortium believe should be preserved or, if teams feel adaptations are necessary, can be adapted with careful consideration.

How did we use it?

As we take A360 interventions to scale, it’s important to have a balanced approach to fidelity to intervention design, as well as to adaptation when needed. We make changes to ensure our implementation approaches and interventions remain relevant, resonant, and effective in our varied local settings as we move to larger scale. At the same time, we recognize certain aspects of A360 interventions must remain protected to preserve the core of what makes them work. So how to ensure we’re walking the right balance? Teams use this resource to remember:

  • The overarching principles of A360—reflecting our disciplines—that should be universally represented throughout implementation
  • The break down of our interventions’ individual components, and for whether and how to adapt them

Consider using it to:

Help your team think through how you would set up similar guidance for your intervention, as you pursue adaptive implementation. Or, support your team to consider how to adapt A360 interventions to your new settings. It’s important to note—this is a living document. You should continue to evolve this tool as your team learns from adaptive implementation over time, and gains a greater understanding of what’s ‘core’ versus the adaptable ‘periphery’ of A360 interventions.