May 12, 2019

Inquiry Featured Resources

NOT SURE WHERE TO BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY? Here’s a great place to start. We've pulled together some of our favorite ready-to-use tools and...
May 12, 2019

Ethics in Youth-Powered Program Design

What is it? A consensus statement that affirms our commitment to respect and justice—and to do no harm to the young people we work...
May 12, 2019

Youth Engagement Webinar

What is it? A webinar, co-hosted by PSI and University of California Berkeley’s Center on the Developing Adolescent, that guides...
May 12, 2019

Youth Engagement Plan

What is it? For youth engagement to be meaningful, it requires intentionality, resources, and training. A strategy sets the direction...
Apr 3, 2019

Series: Research Guides

What is it? A series of guides for conducting design research with adolescent girls, adolescent boys, male partners,...
May 9, 2019

Formative Research: Male Partners

What is it? A guide to conducting design research with male partners of adolescent girls, including one-on-one conversations. As with all...
May 3, 2019

Research Guide: Field Debrief

What is it? A series of questions for your team to ask after completing a day of field research. As with all guides in this series, this...
May 12, 2019

Research Guide: Informed Consent for Adolescents

What is it? A short script used by our Ethiopia team to secure the full and informed consent of young study participants. Two versions...
May 28, 2019

Minimum Standards for Disciplinary Engagement

What is it? A360’s criteria for the level of engagement needed from team members representing public health, social marketing,...
May 28, 2019

Transforming Parents from Barriers to Allies

What is it? This presentation, first delivered at the International Conference on Family Planning in November 2018, details how we...